So Monday was Memorial Day and I wrote a new song. I was watching the news intermittently throughout the day and I had this vision a little boy and a dad. I saw the dad getting deployed and not making it back home. So I started writing and I had the song done in about an hour or so. After playing through it a couple times I realized all the stuff I've written is kinda downbeat. I dont have a "happy" song. I dont have a point to this blog entry just something that I noticed. Anyways, Ill practice the song throughout the week and try to post a video as soon as I can play through it and sing it clean. Maybe the next one will end up being a brighter song. 

God bless the men and women that have sacrificed their lives for our country my freedom and liberties. God bless the men and women risking their lives today. God bless the families of all of them. 
