Ive done 3 episodes so far and its been a great learning experience. Talking to people has always been a difficult thing for me. Unless its with close friends, I have a real hard time talking to people. Performing has always come pretty easy, I did theater for years and have been a stage performer for a long time and I feel real comfortable doing that. But get me into the crowd after the show and talking to people scares the crap out of me. Even though Theres no one with me in the room when I do the podcast most of the time, theres still this fear in me when it comes to talking. I guess with performing I feel like I can justify reasons dont like me. Maybe they dont like the style of music, maybe they dont like my tone or voice... but when its just me talking, I guess theres this fear that people wont like me, as a person. thats scary. Im growing through that insecurity. 

The last episode of the podcast I sat down and talked to a friend and she was just as awkward and embarrassed as I feel and everything went great. Im getting ready to have a lot of friends drop in on the podcast. Ive already got a lot of friends that have expressed interest and we are working on scheduling. Im hoping that through these talks and chats I will grow as a communicator and be less socially terrified. Check the podcast out if you get a chance and leave some feedback, critiques, or just say hi and that you were there. Keep jamming fam. love and aloha!

This week we chat and sing with Sheila. She was expecting to come record some covers. We've been talking about collabing for years and we finally got around to it. I took the chance to hijack her for the podcast since I havent had any guests yet.
